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After signing into Facebook, Sinclair Community College student Miriam Crane noticed she had a notification.
“Notifications are a regular occurrence on Facebook,” Crane said. “But this notification was different.”
Different because Crane was not being notified of a pending friend request, a status update or a new message—she was being notified because she had been added to a new Group. A group to which she never gave her consent to belong.
While Facebook offers personal freedom to add, invite or deny friend requests, new Groups allow friends to be added into a group without their consent. Once Crane was in the group, she had a dilemma. She realized she knew none of the other members in the group.
But Facebook said it has provided a solution to this dilemma. Members can leave groups, by clicking, “Leave Groups” located on the right side of the screen. This terminates members from being in the group and on the group member’s list.

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